Thursday, March 31, 2011


laugh your heart out. dance in the rain.cherish the moment. ignore the pain. live, love, laugh. forgive & forget. life is too short to be living with regrets.

Never think you are nothing. Never cry at night for not being pretty enough. And never tell yourself you're not good enough, because to someone out there, you're everything. And somebody else probably thinks the world of you. You may not know who they are, but they do exist. So don't ever think that way about yourself.

Here's a toast. To the good days, the better friends. The ones that you just can't live without. The people that have taught you how to party. How to live. How to have a good time just sitting around. Here are to the people that no matter how bad things seem, are going to be there for you. To lean back on and catch you if you fall.

Us teenage kids, we mess up, break up, lie, cheat, feel like the world is crashing down, try to fill shoes way too big for us. but one thing we're pretty good at is hanging on.

I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.

I'm going somewhere in life, I've got dreams to reach & things to do. Don't bring your drama into my life because, shit, I got my own. I'm done with letting people bring me down, & I'm not taking any bullshit from anyone. I'm my own person, not no one else's bitch. I'm down for people who are down for me. If you don't know me, don't act like you do because I've got enough people in my life to keep me going. Don't go running your mouth about me because you don't know shit about me. Don't believe the shit others tell you, believe things you hear on your own. Be your own damn self & who cares what others say about you. It's not like they're living your life for you. Don't stand for peoples shit because they're just going to cause more pain in your life. I'm going to succeed because I don't stand for your shit; I got my best girls & they got my heart pumping.

Time passes by & people change, friends forever become enemies & relationships that were once so indestructible change over something so small. You look back and start to see people completely different from what they once were. You see two-faced and fake people more often than not and then you take a step back and realize, maybe you're not who you thought you were all this time.

Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be. But before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean.

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