Thursday, March 31, 2011

Drama is really stupid.

Well, I hate drama. It's all my life is anymore. I mean I have some people that are still sticking around with me through it all; I have my REAL friends, & the most amazing boyfriend in the world. ( :
I have support from my family for the most part. But lately, people have been annoying, and I've been backstabbed; All the people I thought were my friends turned their backs on me. & they tell me it's my fault; But it's really not. I don't even bother with them anymore, yet they still take the time out of their day to talk a bunch of shit. It's really immature & annoying; Oh, God; When will they learn, to just let it freaking go, & move on with their lives?
The world may never know.
( ;


  1. well i would understnad it a bit more if you know..i could read it... = D

  2. I changed it, so like now you can read it :p
