Sunday, April 3, 2011

Finally updating; It's a rant; More amazing details about my awesome life; ( :

Mmkay, well sorry I haven't been updating everyday. Been kinda busy.
Well Friday, this chick, we'll call her 'the bitch' was talking crap from across the hall, then came up to my face & started yelling at me for something I NEVER did. I was SO SO SO SO SO confused!
Then at lunch, I sat alone, cause the table I normally sat at, 'the bitch' sat at too; So, she walks up to me and was like, "Let's be friends again" then says, "SIKE"; & she pours her water bottle ALL OVER THE TABLE, and it dripped ALL over me.
It was pathetic. & I was so embarrassed, I started to cry... ) :
I HATE HER, I NEVER thought I could hate anyone, but I hate her.
Well, after school that day, I hungout with my boyfriend ( :
Then Saturday, I went to Manteno; The internet they had there SUCKED, it was so slow.. Baha.
Then Sunday I came home, & Melina came over; She's my bestfriend. We were supposed to hang with out friend Austin; But he had a hockey game.
So my boo came over; His name's Austin too. Bahah, how ironic :p
& me, him, & Melina went to the Indian Caves. It was fun; Then we came back & ate pizza ( : YUM.
So tomorrow, I'm hanging with Melina again, & we're hanging out with our friend Austin, like we were supposed to do today, & my boyfriend might join <3

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